Projekt MORE, współfinansowany przez program Komisji Europejskiej Erasmus+, z dumą ogłasza pomyślne zakończenie swojego konkursu fotograficznego. Konkurs, zainicjowany na siedmiu obszarach wiejskich w Europie, odegrał istotną rolę w promowaniu wielofunkcyjnych ról kobiet na obszarach wiejskich i podkreślaniu ich znaczenia dla …

Uchwycenie esencji kobiet z obszarów wiejskich: konkurs fotograficzny projektu MORE dobiegł końca Read more »

The MORE project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, proudly announces the successful completion of its photographic contest. The contest, launched across seven rural territories in Europe, has played a vital role in promoting the multifunctional roles …

Capturing the Essence of Rural Women: the MORE Photographic Contest comes to a successful conclusion Read more »

PROJECT MORE – Third co-creation event – Circle The 21st December 2022, the third co-creation meeting has been organised with the aim to illustrate the training section of the MORE platform, collect feedback regarding the training section and the available …

Multifunctional role of women as a key driver for rural development Read more »

On November 10, 2022, Circle Foundation joined the second transnational meeting of MORE, a Project co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Commission, which brings together eight Partners from six different countries (Spain, Italy, Belgium, Poland, Romania and Spain). …

Multifunctional Role of Women as a key driver for Rural Development: Circle joined the second Transnational Project Meeting of MORE Read more »

The 28th of September 2022, the online meeting has been organised with the stakeholdersinterested in the MORE project.After a short introduction of the project objectives and main information, the trainingmethodologies of the project have been discussed with the participants.The attendees …

Multifunctional role of women as a key driver for rural development
PROJECT MORE – First co-creation event – Circle
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