GREEN SYNERGY: CIRCLE joined the Kick-Off Meeting of GREEN SYNERGY

GREEN SYNERGY: CIRCLE joined the Kick-Off Meeting of GREEN SYNERGY

On 13th December 2022, CIRCLE joined the Kick-Off Meeting of Green Synergy, a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, which brings together eight partners from seven countries (Cyprus, Italy, Greece, Belgium, Poland, Romania, Spain). The KOM was held in Brussels and hosted by IHF asbl.

Green Synergy project’s general objective is to provide Open Education Resources for SMEs and Entrepreneurs, existing and potential, as well as examples, best practices, case studies and a virtual community. The aim is to provide post Covid high edge training to cover any training needs that arose during the pandemic and encourage a greener and more environmentally friendly development. The aim is to empower people to achieve growth in a sustainable way, change the mentality, make business function in line with environmental protection.

Moreover, Green Synergy will support, accompany and prepare European SMEs, micro-enterprises, family businesses and potential and existing entrepreneurs for future challenges such as combating climate change and helping recovery after the Covid 19 pandemic crisis.

During the meeting, the consortium as a whole discussed about the overall project implementation schedule, defining timelines and respective duties. During the project lifetime, partners will carry out research and analysis activities aimed at the development and delivery of the Green Synergy Model, which will be available on the Green Synergy OER Platform.

Stay tuned to know more about GREEN SYNERGY!